I have been photographing wildlife for 20 years. The first ten of which I spent taking pictures abroad. I thought this was the answer – travel to exotic locations and bring home images and stories from places as far afield as Borneo, Vietnam, Bolivia and Alaska. I had the time of my life, so many adventures and wonderful wildlife experiences and I learnt so much along the way.

The following 10 years I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make a living doing what I love. It’s not easy, nowadays it seems everyone is a photographer but this is something to be celebrated. It’s much more fun now rather than the elite sport it used to be with only the select few with the right budget and backing able to afford to do it professionally. The digital revolution democratised photography which has meant photographers having to diversify their skill set, something I’m all for. I Lead workshops, speak at festivals, sell prints and books, make films and try my best to be ever-present on social media – I really enjoy the variety.
These days almost all my work is close to home in North London. The current focus is on the urban red fox, I’ve photographed one family over the past six years on an allotment just 10 minutes walk from my house. It’s not the rainforests of Bolivia but I get the same buzz every time I visit. It’s my mission to champion urban wildlife and through my images and share stories to inspire others to look for fascinating wildlife on their doorsteps. My latest book Fox, Neighbour, Villain, Icon is an attempt to do just that and is authored and photographed together with Neil Aldridge and Andy Parkinson and was published in Spring 2022.
I love the book making process and thrive on being involved at every stage – from capturing the images and processing, to editing, writing and design. I have published three other books under my imprint – Hemisphere Publishing. Vancouver Island, Barkley to Clayoquot, Hampstead Heath, London’s Countryside and Space for Nature.

I work with commercial and non-profit organisations to showcase conservation efforts taking place on their land in the form of books and video. I work to commission, producing large format photographs and affordable prints produced in my home studio. You can visit my shop to see more.
I run one-to-one and group workshops helping people to engage with nature through photography and encourage participants to explore ideas and themes with an end product, such as a book or archival print.
I host a podcast and talk to leading nature photographers, filmmakers, conservationists and other natural history industry experts about their work.
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