Matthew Maran Photography


Heath Photo Workshop | October 26th

Heath Photo Workshop | October 26th

This time of year on the Heath is spectacular and probably the quickest to sell out when the dates are released in April. This weekend didn’t disappoint and the group set about capturing a wide range of creative images making superb use of the ...

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019

I was thrilled to be invited to comment live on the biggest night of the year for Wildlife Photography. One could say the Alan Hansen of wildlife photography! You can watch the whole ceremony here to see what the best photographers from around the ...

Roxy Furman now up on the Podcast page

Roxy Furman now up on the Podcast page

Hear my interview with Roxy here Roxy – AKA ‘Roxy The Zoologist’ – is a wildlife biologist, photographer, activist, filmmaker, and presenter. After graduating with a first class honours in Zoology, Roxy landed a ‘dream’ job as a wildlife ...

Heath Photo Workshop | September 28th

Heath Photo Workshop | September 28th

The first in our series of Autumn Workshops and the group set about finding photographic treats on the woodland floor, the wider landscape and the lovely colours beginning to turn at this time of year. The next available workshops are on the weekend ...

More Great Press for Fox Meets Fox

More Great Press for Fox Meets Fox

Published in the October issue of BBC Wildlife Magazine my Fox Meets Fox picture got a lovely write-up and featured as a double page spread. I always get a kick out of seeing my work in print and especially in such a quality publication. Many ...

Staffan Widstrand on the Pod

Staffan Widstrand on the Pod

Here my interview with Staffan here Outdoor Photography Magazine labelled Staffan one of the world’s most influential nature photographers. He may disagree but he is certainly one of the worlds most productive. 60 years young Staffan has published ...

Nature Picture Library Gallery

Nature Picture Library Gallery

My images are represented by Nature Picture Library. Nature Picture Library is a specialist photo agency for the professional market, representing more than 500 of the world’s best nature and wildlife photographers and videographers. This ...

Heath Photo Workshop | June 30th

Heath Photo Workshop | June 30th

Workshop number two and the final one before we take a summer break. The insect life was buzzing (literally) and the wildflowers they visit were in full show. It’s such a wonderful time to photograph on the Heath and the selection below is a ...

Heath Photo Workshop | June 29th

Heath Photo Workshop | June 29th

A love weekend of photography workshops on Hampstead Heath. The end of June throws up no-end of subjects to shoot, from veteran beech trees to pollinating insect,  the group set about gathering a fine set of images. The next available workshops are ...