Matthew Maran Photography

Category / United Kingdom

BBC Radio Devon interview with David Fitzgerald

BBC Radio Devon interview with David Fitzgerald

I was commissioned by Clinton Devon Estates to produce a book about wildlife conservation on their land in 2017. One of the images I took of a family of beavers won a highly commended award in the British Wildlife Photography Awards

People’s Choice in The Guardian

People’s Choice in The Guardian

Today The Guardian published an online gallery of the Lumix People’s Choice Award nominees from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards featuring my ‘Fox Meets Fox’ image. You can view the gallery here and voting is until ...

Hampstead Heath Workshop September 29th

Hampstead Heath Workshop September 29th

The beginning of autumn on Hampstead Heath and the first of two workshops saw lovely weather and an equally lovely group produce a cracking set of images. If you are interested in joining me on a workshop on Hampstead Heath you can find out more ...

Hampstead Heath Workshop June 30th

Hampstead Heath Workshop June 30th

The second workshop on a hot weekend on Hampstead Heath and the group made the most of the vibrant insect life and colours found in the meadows at this time of year The next availability on the workshops is from October. For booking and more ...

Hampstead Heath Spring Photo Workshop April 28th

Hampstead Heath Spring Photo Workshop April 28th

We had a chilly day in late April on the Heath and the group got busy shooting all the new spring growth, including bluebells, cow parsley, chestnut flowers and fresh green oak leaves. We also had some great wildlife shots, which given the limited ...

Hampstead Heath Photography Workshop March 2018

Hampstead Heath Photography Workshop March 2018

Saturday brought spring showers…. we persevered, improvised and got wet but it didn’t prevent us from shooting. Instead the group used the conditions to their advantage and gathered some lovely images you will see below. The spring ...

Next on the podcast – Helen Gilks

Next on the podcast – Helen Gilks

Podcast #6  A conversation with Helen Gilks – owner and manager of Nature Picture Library – the UK’s leading natural history picture agency. We discuss finding a niche, telling stories with images and the inner workings of a ...

Hampstead Heath Photography Workshop February 2018

Hampstead Heath Photography Workshop February 2018

The first workshop of 2018 and we had a beautiful but chilly day on the Heath. When focusing on a subject for even just a few minutes the cold can really set in without you realising it. But the group survived the temperature to produce a great ...

Next on the podcast – Eddie Ephraums

Next on the podcast – Eddie Ephraums

#5 on the Pod. Eddie Ephraums is more than a photographer, designer, writer, editor, bookmaker, mentor and workshop leader…he’s a great person to have a conversation with about all aspects of photography. Have a listen and if you get the ...